The Best Bet revolves around Richard, Shun and Huang whose friendships are put to a test when one of them struck 4D and decides to keep the winnings...
Liang Po Po: The Movie is a Singaporean film directed by Jack Neo in 1999. It stars the comedian director Jack Neo himself, who cross-dresses as the...
Gong Jia Qiao, 66 years-old, becomes wheelchair-bound after a car accident. He currently sells lottery and tissue packets for a living. Over 30 years...
Lin He Xiang Niang raised four sons and two daughters on her own. Lin Shi Jie is the son of Xiang Niang's deceased eldest son. Shi Jie's wife Su Xian...
Guan Shu Hui's (Paige Chua) domineering ways causes a rift between her husband Qi Hong Zhe (Thomas Ong) and his family. Hong Zhe is unhappy with his...
Detective Hu Xiaoman meets low level criminal Da Bao during an investigation of a missing heiress. Inspite of being on opposite sides of the law, the...