On September 9th, the day of the Katakai Fireworks Festival, high school student Hana comes home from the hospital after six months of treatment for...
Based on a true story - a true love story of a man and his wife who are at the mercy of fate, but wish to be reunited for 11 years. With thoughts of...
Le NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), dont le but est d'attraper vivants les criminels les plus dangereux, devient le centre d'attention du public....
The 8th All-Japan Road Race Championship. The internationally ranked A-level SUGO circuit is on the edge of its seat as the 500 cc final draws near. ...
20-year-old rookie police officer Kawai Mai works hard at a police box and feels both physically and mentally drained. She has never felt appreciated...
A story about a young man named Masaya, whose lifelong dream is to go build a life in Tokyo. Masaya thinks his life in his hometown is uncool. A few...