Seizo, a doctor, and his beautiful younger wife, Reiko. At first glance, they appear to be a respectable and amicable couple, but Seizo suspects that...
Based on the true story of former professional boxer Iwao Hakamada who has spent over 40 years incarcerated on death row. Iwao Hakamada was arrested...
Kamen Rider Ryuki: 20th Anniversary Alumni Talk Event
20 years since the shocking final episode aired on January 19, 2003...On January 19, 2023, the anniversary of the final episode, a gorgeous cast will...
Shun Kosaka has a dream of becoming a novelist and lives in a byte at convenience stores at night. He happened to meet Natsuki, and his life began to...
From prominent Japanese filmmaker Yudai Yamaguchi comes this off-the-wall anthology of three experimental vignettes showcasing the style and wit that...
Tokyo. Asuka, a young cleaning lady working the night shift, is ready to pay a high price to achieve her dream of becoming a music star. She manages...
A pro baseball player Shunsuke Ogi was fired by the Tokyo Yomiuri Giants because of a shoulder injury. After one year, he still dreams of coming back...