Based on the true story of former professional boxer Iwao Hakamada who has spent over 40 years incarcerated on death row. Iwao Hakamada was arrested...
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle...
Kanao, a courtroom portrait artist, observes crimes, scandals and the decline of Japanese values without passing judgement. As he and his wife endure...
A rookie editor Hatsumi Takeda becomes an editor of Fujio Akatsuka who is known as the king of gag manga. Hanging out with her, Akatsuka sees through...
This enticing period melodrama depicts a long-suffering woman's relationship with her brilliant but self-destructive writer husband in postwar Tokyo....
Naoki works as a not so popular host at the host club Akegarasu in Shinagawa, Tokyo. His repayment day is coming soon and he has prepared 10 million...
Only 3 days after A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a streetcar started running through the town burned to the ground. The drivers were teenage girls...
The series consists of four 3-episode chapters, each handled by a different director. The directors were given freedom in their stories, but they all...
Wrongfully imprisoned for 15 years despite his innocence, Dan Saimon manages to get out of his imprisonment at the risk of his own life, and makes a...
A monster was created from an incident that took place 100 years ago. He possesses super physical ability and can live forever. He yearns for humans...