In a Japanese military hospital, a mysterious pandemic strikes and quickly kills seemingly at random. A group of unconnected individuals must come to...
Acclaimed director of Summer of Chirusoku, Half a Confession and Yunagi City, Sakura Country Kiyoshi Sasabe casts Rin Takanashi and Takumi Saitoh as...
Set in present day Japan in a provincial town, Bunzo Kurosawa, a greedy and violent father, is murdered in his own home. Bunzo has 3 sons: oldest son...
Based on a novel by Jun Ioka, the Hulu series follows the relationship between Keisuke Okuyama, a brilliant attorney and his troubling client Tatsuya...
Shun Sakuragi works as a salesman for a company in Tokyo. Outside of his work, he enjoys his days with his wife and daughter. Suddenly, Shun Sakuragi...
Mayako Mizukoshi is a 32-years-old housewife and she has been married for 5 years. Mayako is not happy with her marriage. Her husband doesn't look at...