Follows a day in the life of two men living at either end of the music game. A successful rapper, A-Maze, is dealing with the pitfalls and trappings...
Bested on the best-selling novel by author Robert B. Parker, Joe Mantegna is Spenser - Boston's best-known private eye. Called upon to investigate a...
Dayvon, an accomplished street enforcer in West Baltiomre, and best friend TY, who is currently incarcerated, begin feuding before TY's soon release...
Police drama set in New York City, exploring the internal and external struggles of the fictional 15th precinct of Manhattan. Each episode typically...
In this series, the LAPD thinks it's a good idea to form a task force partnering actors with homicide detectives. A super meta half hour comedy, the...
An ex-felon is shocked to see just how much the world has changed when he is released from prison for good behavior after a 15-year stint and returns...