A late night talk show host masterminds an elaborate scheme to save his canceled show and avenge his wife's affair, entangling an eclectic collection...
An aging former child star tries to capture the wealth that has always eluded him by latching on to a lucky man while both have their eye on the same...
In Los Angeles, Dr. Sarah Hathaway hired private eyes trying to find her missing son, the painter Thomas, who ran away from their home ten years ago...
A troubled woman seeks out the child she gave up for adoption; a gay motel owner takes in a handsome drifter; and the wife of a preacher frets that a...
Stay-home mom Annie is reluctant to return to work, until she finds Amber, the perfect nanny for her 3-year-old daughter Jenny. But as Annie's young...
Grieving her mother's death and estranged from her husband, Katherine Kingsmen does her best to raise her son alone. When she meets a supportive and...
Dale Squire is a hip, quirky, independent single gal living in the glossy city of Los Angeles. After several failed attempts in quasi-relationships,...