A 21-year-old girl is released from prison, only to deal with the neighborhood gossip about her and family conflicts. She decides to save one million...
In the year 995, due to a secret talk between Michinaga Fujiwara (Akira Emoto) and Seimei Abe (Terunosuke Takezai), Yorimitsu Minamoto (Kanji Tsuda)...
Rio KIJIMA (ennosuke takezai), who had passed through the differences, deepened the bond of each other, and Haruhiko kusumi (Kenta inazuka). Haruhiko...
A radio DJ, Mai starts a new program called, "Love Letters from the Drawer" to assist people who need an extra push to send out their simple yet very...
Two of the greatest names in the world of Japanese Action Cinema are reunited in the latest film from Japan's action maestro, Kenji Tanigaki. One is...
Sayaka Miyamoto (Nao Matsushita) and Keita Fukushima (Terunosuke Takezai) attend the same university and believe their love for each other will never...
An otaku manicurist, an ordinary office lady, a doctor with no love life, and a 30-something still obsessed with an indie idol group all meet through...
Set within the Tokyo DisneySea theme park, the love lives of various people are told. Gakkun has been preparing for his accounting license exam. Nao...
Hayami Honoka works in the sales department for a major consumer electronics company. She is excellent at her job and is respected by her colleagues....
Kohei Kuryu is a former juvenile delinquent who drops out of junior high and goes on to earn a high school equivalency diploma. After passing the law...
One day, Yuka Sekiguchi who is working at a real estate company, had to take over her grandmother's house and was asked to check for a hidden closet....
Two transfer students, Atsuko Maeda and Onizuka Daruma came at the all-girls school Majisuka Gakuen. In this school violence and fighting are common...
Two people, sake and gourmet. Yoshioka (Asaka), who is stressed by work, reunites with Keiko (Nakamura), a longed-for senior, because of his work in...
Mizushima Toru is a former literary youth who lives a dull office worker life. One day, he receives an invitation and visits Kaede Inno Flower Shop....
A politician gives a speech in a shopping district full of shoppers. Suddenly, a man wielding a knife bursts out from among the shoppers and tries to...
Sato, a young woman from a modest family, marries Kenta, a young man from a well-to-do and respected family. She settles in the family's home, where...
Seto Ichitaka, a second year high school student, has liked his classmate Yoshizuki Iori since the first year. Then the two of them become committee...
One day all of a sudden, a trouble befalls one man. That trouble snowballs into bigger troubles, one by one, pulling everyone around him in. A yakuza...
Two people, sake and gourmet. Yoshioka (Asaka), who is stressed by work, reunites with Keiko (Nakamura), a longed-for senior, because of his work in...
Maiko is 24 years old and she has never had a boyfriend. One day, with her father's recommendation, she has a meeting with Harumi about marriage. He...