Daikichi learns that his recently deceased grandfather has an illegitimate daughter with an unknown mother. The girl's name is Rin and she is just 6...
Breathe In, Breathe Out centers on six, later seven, individuals who have gotten jobs harvesting sugarcane on a small Okinawa island. Each worker has...
Set in the 1960's, Joe Yabuki lives in a run-down low income ara. There, alcholic ex-boxer Danpei Tange notices Joe Yabuki's talents as a boxer. But...
While Nobita is sleeping, he suddenly feels the floor is trembling, like there would be an earthquake in his room. A little rabbit from an alternate...
A frustrated young woman returns from Tokyo to her hometown in Toyama where she meets an old woman who lives alone. There she slowly finds purpose in...
Six agriculture students travel north to Hokkaido for first-hand training and experience in a farm setting. The story focuses not only on their daily...
One day, all of a sudden, Misaki, the number one hostess of a club in Roppongi becomes a high school teacher! Of all classes, she is appointed as the...
It's January 7, just after the New Year begins. Make up classes are being held for students that aren't keeping up with their daily studies; anxious...
A miniseries starring famous actresses, based on the short story collection "Tsubasa no Oreta Tenshitachi" by the author Yoshi. This dark drama has a...