Set in the future, the story follows a nurse who tries to bring her own style of relief to people condemned to die. Her identity is a mystery and she...
Fresh out of the joint, young Ricco is eager to get home to see his family. He was cut loose a year early for good behavior, but it certainly wasn't...
Eurocrime! The Italian Cop and Gangster Films That Ruled the '70s
A documentary concerning the violent Italian 'poliziotteschi' cinematic movement of the 1970s which, at first glance, seem to be rip-offs of American...
While in town on shore leave, Joe meets, falls in love with and proposes to Anne, a beautiful woman he rescues from an attacker. Anne, however, has a...
Officer Jim Wade is a loose cannon on the force with a reputation for roughing up suspects, informants, witnesses, and just about everybody else who...
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries...
Someone is killing off LA's most vicious criminals and the police are powerless to do anything about it. As the commissioner enlists the help of his...
In this wacky comedy, teen-aged Tony (Bentley C. Mitchum) has never known who is father is. Together with his best buddies Peter and Susan, he tracks...
An Interpol agent is out for revenge against the gangsters that cut off his arm and killed his bride. This tragedy left him deeply depressed, and his...
The mountains of the South Asian country are covered with dense rainforest. A cobra, scorpions and other jungle creatures infest the jungle floor as...
In 1964 Miki came to LA with only a suitcase, hoping to become the world's best marathon runner. She meets Mike and they start running together. But...