A wave of carnage is sweeping through Southern France, with locals blaming the return of wolves. However some begin talking of a werewolf, and Police...
A gruesome discovery is made outside a London cemetery one night. Meanwhile in Paris, Police Captain Adamsberg discovers a body chopped into pieces....
Pierre Vasseur is the French president. He has a busy schedule: resolving political crises, abating popular anger, tolerating sarcastic journalists,...
Pierre Vasseur is the French president. He has a busy schedule: resolving political crises, abating popular anger, tolerating sarcastic journalists,...
A piano teacher suspects her entourage of being responsible for the disappearance of a former pupil she was putting up. She starts to grow suspicious...
Pattern never changes. She finds lonely, anonymous, almost invisible women doing menial jobs, becomes their friend and confidante and then kills them...
A gruesome discovery is made outside a London cemetery one night. Meanwhile in Paris, Police Captain Adamsberg discovers a body chopped into pieces....
Pattern never changes. She finds lonely, anonymous, almost invisible women doing menial jobs, becomes their friend and confidante and then kills them...
Documentary on writer/philospher Simone de Beauvoir via interviews of herself and friends supplimented with archive footage resulting in an intimate...
There are those who have chosen the light and those who lead a discreet life, those who have told their story and those who bear their secrets alone,...
The owner of Black Angel is shot by Mamba, a killer in the pay of the Chinese mafia. The victim's daughter, who witnessed the murder and knows she is...
A piano teacher suspects her entourage of being responsible for the disappearance of a former pupil she was putting up. She starts to grow suspicious...
Pierre Vasseur is the French president. He has a busy schedule: resolving political crises, abating popular anger, tolerating sarcastic journalists,...