The film tells the obsession of a policeman to find out who is the murderer of a young homosexual. The character played by Antonio Resines, is a cop...
After a robbery at a bingo hall, the girlfriend of one of the robbers escaped with the help of another woman tries to recover the loot from the raid....
The film tells the obsession of a policeman to find out who is the murderer of a young homosexual. The character played by Antonio Resines, is a cop...
In a swimming pool accident, Juan and Belinda somehow exchange bodies. Juan is coaching a football team for an important match and Belinda is getting...
Galicia, northern Spain, January 2, 1921. The steamship Santa Isabel, sailing towards Argentina with more than two hundred emigrants on board, sinks...
Galicia, northern Spain, January 2, 1921. The steamship Santa Isabel, sailing towards Argentina with more than two hundred emigrants on board, sinks...