The events of the series revolve around journalist Hend Allam, whose husband, a famous nuclear scientist, is assassinated by a terrorist group. Hend...
Its events revolve in a romantic context around a university professor whose life is invaded by a student, and events develop until he finds himself...
Morgan, who is an uneducated very rich man, is used to buy everything he wants. Now the one thing we wants is a college certificate which he seeks to...
Love might occur at the right time with the right person or at the wrong time with the right person, or both together. It might keep waiting, or not...
The events revolve around the conflict between Salim Al-Badri (Yahya Al-Fakharani) and Mayor Suleiman Ghanem (Salah Al-Saadani) and Nazik Al-Selahdar...
An entertainment program presented by the artist Ahmed Fahmy. The program includes many paragraphs between mental games and singing with stars of art...
After being fooled by her husband into leaving Egypt, Rouh finds herself at an ISIS den in Syria, whereupon she tries to escape but ends up at a camp...
Gamgoum and Bembem decide to launch a company specializing in combating scary and extraordinary phenomena, an endeavor that lands them in trouble as...
Love might occur at the right time with the right person or at the wrong time with the right person, or both together. It might keep waiting, or not...
The series tells the story of three different characters. Each one of them deals with the borders of Allah and his messenger in a different way. One...
The story revolves around Yassin, the man of multiple relationships, who mysteriously disappears and then falls into a coma, and the police begin to...
A retired Egyptian officer working at the Egyptian embassy in Tel Aviv decides to plot revenge against Israel for freezing his bank accounts when he...