Yehia, known as Pharaoh, reassembles a group of six of his old friends, each with a unique combating skill, to travel to Syria under the pretense of...
Over the course of one day, the events revolve around a number of cases that take place inside a court, and how the people involved try to deal with...
When his daughter Shahd is injured in a violent accident, the life of Galal turns upside down. Dr. Malak sympathizes with his crisis, as she tries to...
The events revolve around the conflict between Salim Al-Badri (Yahya Al-Fakharani) and Mayor Suleiman Ghanem (Salah Al-Saadani) and Nazik Al-Selahdar...
Yehya, a police officer, decides to leave the force after successfully protecting the President from an assassination attempt in the late 1990's. He...
The events revolve around the attempts of the Egyptian intelligence to confront terrorism represented by ISIS, as the intelligence workers, including...
In 2120 Jerusalem, an engineer tries to find a solution to the energy problem in light of the restrictions that the regime imposes on the population....
The events of the series revolve around three young people who stand in the face of their dreams, so fate increases in their determination to achieve...
Ahmed Qasim, famously named Aix, is killed in a heinous accident, then the events before his death were exposed to show the relationship of the hero...
The story takes place inside the world of domestic servants , where a woman from a local area called Naima runs an office for maids and cooking food...
The events of the series revolve around three young people who stand in the face of their dreams, so fate increases in their determination to achieve...