Youssef, a man of middle-class roots, lives in a not-so-fancy part of town. Youssef is passionate about acting and succeeds in becoming a well-known...
The film revolves around the family of Mr. Ahmed Abdel-Gawad through his second and third generations, which consists of Yassin and Kamal the younger...
Tabel abandons his luxurious family life in favor of a bohemian life with his eccentric marginalized friends. When Tabel dies, his daughter attempts...
Booha (Saad), a butcher coming from the countryside to Cairo to find the man whom his late father left his money with, gets tangled in the big city,...
An enthralling look at the relationship between America and the Arab World from an Arab perspective. It tells the story of Yehia, a renowned Egyptian...
On New Year's Eve, a taxi driver tries to raise money necessary for his mother-in-law surgery who takes care of his only mentally handicapped son. On...
Mamdouh is married to Wafa, and Morsy is married to Zizi, and they work together in one of the advertising companies. They are famous for their many...
The two friends, Adel and Sharif, reside in one apartment, and Sharif falls in love with Enas and his exchange of feelings is the same, to ask her to...
The film tells the story of 3 navy officers, Samir, Ahmed and Sherif who go back to their houses and wives for only 24 hours vacation after spending...
Fardous is in prison for stealing a watch. She shares a cell with Samia, who works in a show band and is wrongly arrested in a brothel and Mona who ...
Fahmy is an ardent believer in horoscopes and manages his life according to them. When a fortune-teller convinces him that his life is connected to a...
Laila falls for Dr. Hussein who decides to marry her so that he could take on the responsibility for her heart surgery. Laila starts to believe that...
The orphan little girl Sokar lives with the gang headed by Atris and Zakia who train children to beg and pickpocket. Atris tells Zakia that Sokar is...
Sahar loves singing and wishes to meet the great singer Wahid to hear her voice. She sets a date to meet him. At the meantime, Ramadan who owns a Gas...
(Hamdy) and (Samira) married to traditional marriage,and they are not satisfied sexually because of problems rooted with them since childhood. Samira...
As the Israeli forces occupy Sinai prior to the War of Attrition, they use an excavator to dig deep in the land, under the pretext they're searching...
With Henedy Shaw, Mohamed Henedy followed Ramadan, Mabrouk Abu Al-Alamein, and his most famous characters, as he recalls them with the art stars who...