A young woman (Alexandra Neldel) begins to work collecting emergency calls when get one that puts she on the trail of a serial murderer who, for some...
Fourteen-year-old Jeanne has lived in a farm commune since she was two years old. Her mother and father live in city communes and rarely visit. This...
A young pregnant woman who lives in Jerusalem believes she is going to bring the son of God into the world. Her older sister tries to convince her to...
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of...
Senta and Thomas are dying to fall in love - just not with one another. Still, when two people - a hopeless romantic and a system analyst - meet, an...
Caio and Mari are two young people living in a relationship that goes beyond any definition. Over ten years, the plot transits between three striking...
Balko is a German prime time television series broadcast on the private TV channel RTL. It is a police detective story with comical twists featuring...
It is based on a relationship between Dan and Carla with an age gap who are at a cross-roads. Dan has been made redundant, When Carla's ex-girlfriend...
The Bambi, often called the Bambi Award and stylised as BAMBI, is a German award presented annually by Hubert Burda Media to recognize excellence in...