Based on True Events-Set in 1982 during one of the toughest periods in Irish History, Eoghan, a 17 year old Irish Catholic kid inadvertently meets a...
An 18-year-old man, living on a Dublin housing estate with his grandfather, is caught holding drugs for his friend's older brother and sentenced to 3...
Irish Traveller Frances has to fight for the right to pursue her passion... boxing. She is determined to make her idol Muhammad Ali proud, as well as...
Kathleen is 18 and alone. The system has no place for her now. What does the future hold when the past is all you've got? This visually arresting and...
On the rugged coast of County Clare, Val Ahern's husband is found dead at the foot of a cliff the morning after a family party. The matriarch starts...
Through the eyes of various Irish Republican Army (IRA) members, explore the extremes some people will go to in the name of their beliefs, the way a...