The story begins one winter day when the wish of a few girls was realized with a miracle, changing the landscape of a town. "In the skies above this...
Takamiya Honoka is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he sits next to Kagari Ayaka, the school's #1 beauty. They have never spoken...
The story takes place in an age where "Ajin" (demi-human), more casually known as "Demi," have slowly started to become accepted into human society....
Takamiya Honoka is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he sits next to Kagari Ayaka, the school's #1 beauty. They have never spoken...
Asahi, a boy who loves video games is killed in a traffic accident and ends up in another world. He tries to enjoy the otherworldly adventuring life...
An unexplored dungeon, filled with monsters and traps. An expert thief, searching for her lost father. When Clay delves into the dungeon deeper than...