Two twelve-year-old boys, Romeo and Gavin, undergo an extraordinary test of character and friendship when Morell, a naive but eccentric and dangerous...
An Emergency Services Operator in a Fire Control Room has just started a long night shift when she picks up a call from a desperate young mother. An...
DC Lenny Milton (Winstone) is not as ambitious as his best friend and popular boss DCI Michael Love (Dunbar), but the pair are drinking partners and...
On the day before Mother's Day 1993, Colin and Wendy Parry's lives are torn apart when their youngest son Tim is killed in a terrorist attack by the...
Beverley is a short film written and directed by Alexander Thomas and produced by Cass Pennant and starring Vicky McClure and Laya Lewis. It follows...
Set in the fictional Midlands town of Letherbridge, defined as being close to the city of Birmingham, this soap opera follows the staff and families...
Emma a successful woman fears of losing her mind after suffering from sleep deprivation two weeks before turning 40. Only by investigating the truth...