The movie stars Judd Nelson as a wealthy but unstable hermit who is convinced he will soon become insane much as his father did; his father actually...
This gritty inner-city film follows various people living in a troubled New Jersey setting, most notably Nick Rinaldi, a disillusioned contractor who...
Janet Flanders is a small-town, unsophisticated young woman who is seduced by the fantasy of romantic love; she believes that someday her prince will...
Based on a true story, one woman takes on the U.S. military and General Dynamics; maker of the F-16, thought to be the very best tactical fighter in...
Some school kids stumble across a briefcase full of money, when they go back for it, they find a body instead. When they bring the police, neither is...
A group of graduating students from a midwestern high school comes to New York City on a trip to celebrate the impending end of school. The students...
An LSD trip delves deep into the heart of India and the human soul, as a Westerner journeys through foreign land searching for the woman he loves who...