After successfully won the Tokyo qualifying tournament, Chihaya and her friends are set to go on to the nationals. As they prepare, Chihaya is faced...
Haruta is handsome and smart, Chika is bright and naive. When they were children, they were friends until Haruta's family moved away while he was in...
Hikaru Tsutsui is a high school student. He enjoys animation and video games in the virtual world, but he doesn't enjoy his real life. People at his...
"A world" - After graduating from a university, close friends Takashi Tsurug and Tomohiko Miwa begin work at a company which does brain research. One...
Nami lost his parents at a young age and later lost his grandfather who raised him. Nami closed off his heart from the world, only holding on to the...
The story is set in 2018, 25 years after the original manga's "Video Girl Ai" arc ("Video Girl Len" arc was set seven years after the first arc). Sho...
This work is a human drama that attorney, Taku Kurokawa challenges reversal play with weapons, passion, and science as a weapon to cause "miracle" to...