1944, in the depths of World War II. Toyomatsu Shimizu is a completely typical barber from a remote sea-side town who lives frugally but happily with...
Michiko Oshitani, who lived in Shiga Prefecture, is found dead at an apartment in Tokyo. She was strangled to death. Mutsuo Koshikawa is the owner of...
Koichi Miyazawa runs a small, but longstanding company which makes tabi (traditional Japanese socks). He is the CEO of the fourth generation company...
Having achieved his life-long dream of being a pilot, Hajime is first officer on an international jetliner and is now working to become a captain. He...
Before World War II, the automobile industry in developed countries in Europe and the United States possessed formidable technological capabilities....
Eiryo Waga is well-known musician who has begun a rapid climb to stardom, but he must keep his terrible past a secret. One day someone who knows all...
Chikako Kaku and Shiro Sano of "I've Always Liked You" (1992) co-star again in a shocking film that depicts the extreme love-hate between a man and a...
This delicate love story transcends the spoken word as it depicts the lives of an aspiring young actress and a painter who lost his sense of hearing...