With the police unable to help, Emily takes it upon herself to investigate the disappearance of her partner. A small clue leads her to the discovery...
A nameless, masked murderer leaves a trail of victims across the U.S. In a chance encounter on the plains of Nebraska, he kills a highway patrolman....
Drama telling the true story of what happens to a teenage girl when she falls in love with the wrong man. The everyday story of young love turns dark...
Noah, a farmer and family man, is instructed by an angel to build an ark in the middle of a desert in order to save both his family and the faithful...
An ambitious reporter stationed in the Middle East who is taken captive after her convoy is ambushed. She is confronted by the trauma of her past and...
In a modern re-imagining of Little Red Riding Hood, a recovering alcoholic discovers a teenage runaway in the Oregon Wilderness and does his best to...