In the late 1980s, Amedeo Letizia, a young 20 something Italian, leaves his hometown of Casal di Principe to pursue a career in acting in Rome. While...
When his girlfriend Giorgia leaves him for his boss, journalist Giulio suddenly finds himself without a woman and with no job. Determined to win back...
Immersed in the jungle, among relics of a "forgotten future", two kids, Yaya and Lennie, meander. The two live freely in their Eden until armed men,...
The narrative follows a former gangster who, in an attempt to escape his tumultuous past, seeks refuge in a new village. Upon his arrival, he adopts...
Imma Tataranni is a rather abrasive deputy prosecutor of the Matera Public Prosecutor's Office. She has the fashion sense of a rodeo clown, is gifted...