A notorious B-movie director tries for a comeback by seeking out the film rights to the life story of a serial killer who wants his biography film to...
Brainwarp, the world's dumbest supervillain, attempts to make rent ($200) for his studio apartment hideout through a combination of foul language and...
Derek Rillix is a Nerd Hunter, a special officer assigned to hunt down and delete anyone engaged in illegal "NERD" activities. Rillix knows that the...
While Ron Burgundy's rivalry with Veronica Corningstone escalates quickly, a group of unprofessional thieves better known as 'The Alarm Clock' try to...
Trevor Moore recorded his first solo one-hour special, High In Church, at The Gramercy Theatre in New York. Accompanied by a live band, dancing girls...
DAG is an American sitcom that aired from November 2000 to May 2001 on NBC. It was named after its star, David Alan Grier, who stars as United States...
Follow the exploits of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, the two halves of Tenacious D, the self-proclaimed "greatest band on earth." Their music is heavy on...
Ellen is an American television sitcom that aired on the ABC network from March 29, 1994 to July 22, 1998, consisting of 109 episodes. The title role...
After being dishonorably discharged from the Navy Seals, Bob and David are back serving our country the way they do best, making sketch comedy. Four...
Hype is a sketch comedy television series on The WB Television Network. It ran for 16 episodes from October 8, 2000 to February 18, 2001. Most of the...
After being dishonorably discharged from the Navy Seals, Bob and David are back serving our country the way they do best, making sketch comedy. Four...