Bakabon (Okarina) lives with his Papa (Ueda Shinya), Mama (Matsushita Nao) and younger brother Hajime-chan (Hayasaka Hirara). His bumbling Papa is a...
Ayaka Goma works as a police sergeant. One day, a demonstration is held and a hostage situation occurs at Shinsekai Finance. Someone calls the Tokyo...
Sayaka Miyamoto (Nao Matsushita) and Keita Fukushima (Terunosuke Takezai) attend the same university and believe their love for each other will never...
When Satoshi was little, his mother Akiko always took good care of him. She was gentle, but mentally strong. However, two years ago she was diagnosed...
Adapted from the novel "Yu-san no Nyobo ~ Mou Hitori no Ishihara Yujiro" by Muramatsu Tomomi, this NHK / BS4K one -shot drama tells a love story of a...
Growing up, sisters Misaki and Hazuki couldn't have been more different. Misaki's charming personality and popularity stood in sharp contrast to the...
Kanoko Saho is fired from her father's company, Fawn. She worked hard in the manufracturing world but was fired regardless. In the background is the...
Minato Ninomiya (Kentaro Sakaguchi) is a detective for the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. When he was a child, his parents died. His life became a mess...
Ueba Kamo is a career woman who works as a government official at the Ministry of Finance after graduating from Tokyo University. One day, her mother...
In 1895, Nonaka Chiyoko prays for the safety of her husband Itaru who is attempting to climb Mt Fuji in midwinter. If he accomplishes what no one has...
Hayako Tatsuki is a single 34-years-old woman. She works as an elementary school teacher and she is generous to kids. Hayako likes to eat and drink....
33-year-old Akiyama Satomi is a history teacher at the prestigious all-girls high school she once attended. She has earned the nickname "ohitorisama"...
This dark medical drama examines the meaning of human life, centring on a team of unidentified black-market doctors who undertake any kind of surgery...
One day, Nobuo Harada starts work as a Japanese language teacher at a high school. He is gay and dresses like a woman. He sympathizes with the lives...