Fleeing heartbreak in the big city, Ichiko returns to Komori, her rural hometown. She battles summer's rain and humidity, bakes her own bread, grows...
After successfully won the Tokyo qualifying tournament, Chihaya and her friends are set to go on to the nationals. As they prepare, Chihaya is faced...
Four pianists take part in the preliminary round of an international piano playing competition. Each has a story that is different and unique. One is...
Nagaoka is a former high school teacher. He decides to start a school with an ideal learning environment. To achieve this goal, he struggles to make...
Hayami Teruya is a dedicated salaryman who does a workman like job as the chief editor for a magazine. He has personal charm, get along with both the...
A boy named Shogo landed on the island. He approaches a man making a raft on the beach and tries to help him with the work. The subtle air that flows...
Kujo Rina is a chemistry teacher and the homeroom teacher for the 3rd grade D class at Horai High School. She doesn't have a bond with her students....
Amachan is the 88th 2013 NHK asadora written by Kankuro Kudo (Tiger and Dragon, Unobore Deka). It's about Amano Aki (Nounen Rena), a 16 year old girl...
Reiko Kuki is single, works in the accounting dept. for toy manufacturer. She lives her life frugally and hardly buys stuff that is not a necessity....