Chotaro and Nakanishi, a duo of unemployed advertisers, drifted to Isehama, a port town near Yokohama, but a gang was making its presence felt in the...
The sisters lived near a pond called Koigafuchi, near Edo, and kept a father-and-son cat named Tama and Kaze. The elder sister, Oichi, was discovered...
Based on a story written by actress and author Hideko Takamine. Kimizuru Kawamoto is a popular geisha in Shitaya, Tokyo in 1926. Kimizuru is pregnant...
Fourteen-year old student Ayumi has leukemia and starts losing hair. She becomes depressed but receives overwhelming support from her classmates when...
Starring Ken Takakura, this TV special depicts a detective (Akira Hayasaka) who lives in a harsh life with pride and conviction. Minoru Akiba, Chief...
Masaki is fond of a music producer named Keigo, to get to his concert she ends up selling her body. She end up meeting him after the concert and fall...
Nezu no Hamakichi used to be a renowned detective. He had lost his job and been banished from Edo after he was arrested for some reasons. Back in Edo...
Set in Hakata, the series is about a young man who wants to play rock music even though his father expects him to follow him in making Hakata ningyou...
The 33rd NHK Asadora. Starring Eisaku Shindou as a man who loves manzai (a traditional style of stand-up comedy in Japanese culture). Average rating...
Oshin is a Japanese serialized morning television drama, which aired on broadcaster NHK from April 4, 1983 to March 31, 1984. The series follows the...