The poignant yet humor filled story about a single mother of a teenager severely impacted by autism, forced to reckon with her daughter's future. As...
In 1880s China, young Lalu is sold into marriage by her impoverished father. Rather than becoming a bride, Lalu ends up in an Idaho gold-mining town,...
This is the story of young Tony Cannelloni as he attempts to break away from his overbearing mom and strike out on his own. He sets himself up with a...
Unaired CBS television pilot from 1991 starring George Clooney and Pam Dawber was an attempt at a breezy comedy/mystery in the style of Moonlighting...
The 5 Mrs. Buchanans is a U.S. television situation comedy that aired on CBS from September 24, 1994 to March 25, 1995. Set in the fictional town of...
John "Jack" Turner is a maverick scion from an American political dynasty, a "true believer," who must reconcile his passion for the purity of law in...
Lone Star is an American drama television series which originally ran on Fox from September 20, 2010 to September 27, 2010, airing Monday nights at 9...
Au sein de la police de Philadelphie, le Lieutenant John Stillman, mais aussi les inspecteurs Lilly Rush, Scotty Valens, Nick Vera, Will Jeffries et...
Women: Stories of Passion is a dramatic series that aired on the American cable television network Showtime and distributed by Playboy Entertainment...