When Redmon finds himself out of home and job, his life becomes a series of unpredictable escapades - from dodging gunfire after his uncle makes him...
Biographic movie of the witty, overachieving, hot-tempered Rudy Giuliani, spanning from his rising days as a New York district attorney in the early...
Set early during World War II, the film has a lot to say about love, honor, relationships, commitment and power. Keeping their promise to their dying...
Through the use of interviews (both vintage and new) with various cast and crew members, including Rick Baker, Bill Sturgeon, David Cronenberg, James...
Based on a novel by Mordecai Richler, allegedly his autobiography, it tells the story of a Jewish writer, from his life as a young boy in Montreal to...
Jay Follet is suffering a mid-life crisis while his wife, Mary, is expecting their second child. When Jay takes his family to visit his 103-year-old...
Paul Clark and his children are still heartbroken a year after the death of Jane, Paul's wife. When he unexpectedly falls in love with Mary, a former...
A benefit concert and telethon organized by George Clooney and broadcast uninterrupted and commercial-free by the four major television networks just...
Several aspects of Ridley Scott's masterpiece Hannibal (2001) are examined through interviews with the cast and crew, and behind the scenes footage....
Welcome Back, Kotter is an American television sitcom starring Gabe Kaplan and featuring a young John Travolta. Videotaped in front of a live studio...
The Rookies is an American crime drama series that aired on ABC from 1972 until 1976. It follows the exploits of three rookie police officers working...
EP Daily is a daily news television show that covers movies, TV shows, comic books, collectibles and gadgets. Created and executive produced by host...
Late Night with Conan O'Brien is an American late-night talk show hosted by Conan O'Brien that aired 2,725 episodes on NBC between 1993 and 2009. The...
To commemorate the first century of American filmmaking, the American Film Institute embarked on a celebration of America's greatest movies from the...
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much...