Set in a rural town in the province of Buenos Aires, it portrays a stifling relationship between an overprotective mother and her young son, while he...
Gloria is a lawyer who throughout her career has never been able to defend someone who was not guilty. His new client seems to be not so different: a...
Sebastian, a locksmith who doesn't believe in committed relationships, learns from his recent girlfriend, Monica, that she's pregnant and he might be...
Lucia is a single parent to a child with Asperger's. She has a minimum wage job and a very difficult relationship with her mother, but she thinks she...
Carmen and Elena Iturrioz are sisters and partners in a laboratory inherited from their parents. Both carry out the cases that reach the laboratory,...
"Stockholm: Lost Identity" narrates over 13 chapters with almost surgical detail the criminal, judicial and media research about the disappearance of...
Anthology series, in which every episode introduces fictionalized versions of real cases about women who, for different reasons, ended up committing...