The story takes place in an unnamed Japanese city, and follows five students at Shinyo Academy as they try to piece together the puzzle of a new drug...
High school girls who were performing a love charm accidentally summon an evil spirit. Rie, a first-year student at a certain high school, harbors a...
Residents in a town have a hard time due to the land tax and forced labor. 9 people, including Juzaburo Kokutaya (Sadao Abe), worry about the future...
Shunsuke Honma is a detective from the #1 investigation team at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Shunsuke takes a leave from work due to an...
Private Detective Kiyoshi Mitarai and Miyuki Ogawa arrive in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture. They are interested in a case which involves discovered...
37 year old sales manager Iwatsu is so caught up in work, he's unable to truly live his life. One night while looking at his graduation album on his...
Akiko and her 25-year old daughter Mizuki are best friends and are closer than most mother and daughters. Akiko feels that Mizuki is growing distant...
Misao is studying to be a manga artist, Mariko is a university student but getting money by various dangerous ways and Sachiko is working diligently...
Gift is a drama that aired on Fuji TV. It first aired in Japan from April 16, 1997 to June 25, 1997 every Wednesday. It features music by Bryan Ferry...
Thirty-year-old Koume Shingyouji leaves her job at a major building firm to join family-run Marufuku Builders. There she teams up with Gennosuke, the...
To pursue her dreams, Sakurai Kazumi (Wakui Emi) quits her job and goes to New York to study jewelry design, against the objections of her naggy and...
Fifty-five years after World War II, Morita Misaki travels to China with hopes of uncovering the truth behind the murder of a young Russian woman she...
Something that we struggle with daily, that eats us up and causes stress and anger: annoying people. You know those people. Unreasonable complainers,...