The Lion Tamer is a 1934 animated short film produced by the Van Beuren Studios and directed by Vernon Stallings and starring Charles J. Correll and...
Tom and Jerry (the human versions, not the cat and mouse) are on a raft in the ocean. After being attacked by an octopus and losing their raft, they...
Tom and Jerry go fishing, where they encounter an affectionate but annoying fish who won't leave them alone. They hear a piano-playing octopus (with...
A German "ohm-pah" trio is incomplete until their tuba player arrives on a boat from overseas. The resulting quartet brings the whole town out for a...
Tom and Jerry are police officers, driving around in their car and enjoying listening to some music on their police radio, when they hear a bulletin...
Tom and Jerry are hoboes, but the city is demolishing the hobo camp. They hop a ride on a freight train. The train comes to a lumber camp, where the...
Jerry his boss sees some kind of commotion from far away though it's only viewable from above a fence blocking the rest of it. So he and Jerry get a...
A Rube Goldberg-style flying machine transports Cubby to the North Pole, where he ducks an angry polar bear/traffic cop into an igloo/speakeasy which...
A man reads in the newspaper that Bolsheviks are on the loose and that the public should beware of odd acting strangers. He spots a pipe smoking man...
Cubby rises and shines with the dawn, and, reading a headline, learns that a "mysterious menace" is attacking farms and destroying crops. He uses his...
Cubby rises and shines with the dawn, and, reading a headline, learns that a "mysterious menace" is attacking farms and destroying crops. He uses his...
Cubby rises and shines with the dawn, and, reading a headline, learns that a "mysterious menace" is attacking farms and destroying crops. He uses his...
Cubby rises and shines with the dawn, and, reading a headline, learns that a "mysterious menace" is attacking farms and destroying crops. He uses his...
Various Mother Goose rhymes are portrayed by Hollywood stars for example, Old King Cole's fiddlers three are the Marx Brothers, and Humpty Dumpty is...