Eight years ago, when the announcement of the East Timor referendum was reported, Langit promised to take Bintang away from this country so that they...
Ayla is enjoying her teenage years and her love affair with Ando, the rock band vocalist. She is surprised when a young pilot named Arsen, claims to...
An imprisoned activist must face the consequences of his decisions. This short film serves as an introduction to Leila S. Chudori's book of the same...
The story of a family that is not harmonious: Amang or father (Cok Simbara) and his three unfilial children. Out of love for her children, Amang uses...
As a child, Tura, witnessed thieves to rape and kill his mother. After he buried her mother in the back garden of his home, he takes care of himself...
Mustaqim, a former Koran teacher, works as a debt collector in the hope of earning more. However, Murni, his wife, did not want to accept the gift of...