Hashem is a young man who has fled Upper Egypt and travels to Alexandria because his family insists on him taking revenge for his father's murderer's...
The married couple Hommos and Halawa perform their choreographic show in the street, to the amusement of a record label owner who records a song for...
Sharif who's an accountant at the customs, meets Omnia who offers him to work in the company of her friend, Fahmy. Fahmy plans to keep him away from...
Zaghloul is a clown who gets fired from the circus. As he moves between different jobs, he falls in love with Basma and they get married. He meets a...
After Nadia marries Hamdi, her mother asks her to leave her husband and help her take revenge for her father, who was killed twenty years ago, after...
The events of the series take place in Upper Egypt and revolve around Allam Al-Zuhairi, an opportunistic Upper Egypt man who seeks his personal gain,...
The poor widow Umm al-Khair raises her children, Youssef, Waraqia and Aisha. Ruqaya looks to get rich, so she gives in to Dandrawi who gets arrested...
Omar lives on the money of his wealthy jeweler father. The father ask him to deliver a jewelry bag to a customer in Tanta. His car breaks down and he...
The film revolves around the cinematographer Rami Qashua, who begins to succeed in the cinema through the texts he writes, but his bad luck imprints...
Medhat becomes addicted as a result of his family's work abroad and their preoccupation with him, and Osama is determined to steal his miser father's...
The married couple Hommos and Halawa perform their choreographic show in the street, to the amusement of a record label owner who records a song for...
A love story between Dr. Hind, the wealthy girl, and the poor music teacher, decide to marry despite the rejection of the Hind family, but the family...
The events revolve around the conflict between Salim Al-Badri (Yahya Al-Fakharani) and Mayor Suleiman Ghanem (Salah Al-Saadani) and Nazik Al-Selahdar...