About the relationship between Dean, a young deaf man who is accused of murdering his flatmate, and Penny, the sign language interpreter assigned to...
A film poem to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan disaster, written by Owen Sheers and performed by a stellar cast of Wales's best-known...
Gareth Thomas v Homophobia: Hate in the Beautiful Game
Fifty years ago, homosexual acts between consenting male adults were decriminalised. In this documentary, former Wales and Lions rugby union captain...
Frankie is a British television drama series created by Lucy Gannon. The series stars Eve Myles as the eponymous character Frankie Maddox, a district...
John, a repressed man, is shocked to find himself in middle age, secretly raging at his life as a stay-at-home dad. When his failure to intervene in...