Nizar is a young broke aristocrat who lives off women. He uses a man he met called Saeed in a scam to steal an old millionaire's fortune for his wife...
The events of the series revolve around journalist Hend Allam, whose husband, a famous nuclear scientist, is assassinated by a terrorist group. Hend...
The events of the series take place in Upper Egypt and revolve around Allam Al-Zuhairi, an opportunistic Upper Egypt man who seeks his personal gain,...
Fawaz Al-Sayyad, who began with his father in a small fashion factory until he owned several factories for the most famous fashion designers, but his...
The story of twin brothers who can not be any different. The first is a simple teacher who lives by his integrity, while the other is a swindler who...
An epic that depicts the life of Shams Al-Ansary, who takes it upon his shoulders to achieve justice and combat corruption. But justice isn't a paved...
When Fadl Al-Ghoul finds a stolen tablet belonging to the Minister of Health, he attempts to return the device to her, but gets involved in a series...