"Short! Short! Short! 2009" is an anthology film commissioned by the Jeonju International Film Festival (JIFF) to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The...
"Short! Short! Short! 2009" is an anthology film commissioned by the Jeonju International Film Festival (JIFF) to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The...
Jae-min, still getting over his ex-wife Ha-ra, is a talent agent who takes care of actors and actresses with personal issues. They wouldn't leave him...
Jae-min, still getting over his ex-wife Ha-ra, is a talent agent who takes care of actors and actresses with personal issues. They wouldn't leave him...
Won-sik is kicked out by her roommate Woo-jung and becomes obsessed with winning her back. She begins to practice pole jumping when Woo-jung proposes...
A love-action comedy about Hyun-chul, a man who expresses his love in earnest to enter a full-fledged relationship, and Hee-bon, a woman who believed...
Won-sik is kicked out by her roommate Woo-jung and becomes obsessed with winning her back. She begins to practice pole jumping when Woo-jung proposes...
A black comedy political sitcom about an Olympic gold medalist who was appointed as minister of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and is facing...
A black comedy political sitcom about an Olympic gold medalist who was appointed as minister of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and is facing...