As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of...
From the creator of Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend, La Blue Girl, and Demon Beast Invasion! A monster is out for blood, and only the man-demon...
From the creator of Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend, La Blue Girl, and Demon Beast Invasion! A monster is out for blood, and only the man-demon...
From the creator of Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend, La Blue Girl, and Demon Beast Invasion! A monster is out for blood, and only the man-demon...
It is the age of the Overfiend, and flesh-hungry monsters rule the Earth. Immortal half-demon Amano Jyaku travels the wasteland, witness to the rape...
It is the age of the Overfiend, and flesh-hungry monsters rule the Earth. Immortal half-demon Amano Jyaku travels the wasteland, witness to the rape...
It is the age of the Overfiend, and flesh-hungry monsters rule the Earth. Immortal half-demon Amano Jyaku travels the wasteland, witness to the rape...
The odyssey of Rodrigo Jarpa, a remarkable and charismatic sexologist who, together with Nathalie Nicloux, a comedian and actress, travels around the...
19 year old ninja Midou Miko's fortune predicts that she's about to fall in love when an unexpected downpour throws her into the arms of 20 year old...
During an archeological expedition to a forbidden Himalayan temple, 19-year-old Masao Sera stumbled upon a bloody, sacrificial rite designed to throw...
19 year old ninja Midou Miko's fortune predicts that she's about to fall in love when an unexpected downpour throws her into the arms of 20 year old...
During an archeological expedition to a forbidden Himalayan temple, 19-year-old Masao Sera stumbled upon a bloody, sacrificial rite designed to throw...