The film investigates the adventures of mountain climber and photographer Adam J. Winkler, who fought in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen against the...
18-year-old Alice decides to drop out of school just before the final exams and go to work for her baker grandfather Louis, who never could afford to...
Full Contact is a contemporary tale of a man trying to find new purpose in life after accidentally bombing a school through a remotely operated drone...
A fantasy romance set in 19th century France. The film revolves around Sobran, a young peasant winemaker, and the three important figures in his life...
James Faulkner plays Lew Millar, a renowned private eye who is hired by a gangster to be his bodyguard. When Millar arrives at the criminal's French...
Victor, a disillusioned 60-something whose marriage is on the rocks, opts to relive the week of his life when, 40 years earlier, he met his true love...
1609, Basque Country. From a long line of abortionist-healers, three sisters find their lives endangered by the arrival of Judge Pierre De Lancre in...
1609, Basque Country. From a long line of abortionist-healers, three sisters find their lives endangered by the arrival of Judge Pierre De Lancre in...
A high concept thriller that tells the story of Dr. Ephraim Goodweather, the head of the Center for Disease Control Canary Team in New York City. He...