Prequel to the first Missing In Action, set in the early 1980s it shows the capture of Colonel Braddock during the Vietnam war in the 1970s, and his...
People are being killed by someone or something using superhuman strength. A clever DA Assistant is sent to investigate. Is this just a way to commit...
The Maida family has moved to Oregon, and daughter Tami wants to play quarterback for the high school football team. There's just one problem. She's...
A man and his family move from a crime-ridden inner city suburb to a self-proclaimed violence-free haven overseen by a godlike businessman. However,...
This is the story of the two babies who were switched at birth. A few years later when one of the girls gets sick and tests revealed that she was not...
History professor Scott McKenzie makes an anachronistic discovery in a photograph from the Old West and he is soon joined by beautiful time-traveler...
Harry Burck has been kidnapped by South American terrorists, and when the US Government refuses to intervene, Harry's friends decide to take matters...
The Charters family falls into despair over their drug-addicted son Gary. They discuss his problems through the "Toughlove" program in searching for...
John "Jack" Turner is a maverick scion from an American political dynasty, a "true believer," who must reconcile his passion for the purity of law in...
Al Bundy is an unsuccessful middle aged shoe salesman with a miserable life and an equally dysfunctional family. He hates his job, his wife is lazy,...