In a mining town which has been blighted by economic downturns, an elementary school headmaster struggles to obtain social services on behalf of his...
Magistrate Jeanne Charmant-Killman doggedly investigates CEO Michel Humeau, who is accused of participating in massive corporate malfeasance. As her...
Because of a motorcycle accident, a young man from the poor outskirts of Paris must find a steady job in order to avoid being sent to prison. He gets...
Investigates the corrupt judicial system under which Alain Mar'caux and his wife Edith were arrested on accusations of pedophilia horrific acts they...
A mother of two mysteriously disappears one morning. Her husband isn't worried as they've had rough patches; his wife just wanted to give him a scare...
It is 1979 and Albertine, 10, and all her family members have gathered in Brittany to celebrate the birthday of her grandmother. Everyone thinks that...