A Christmas mystery with Lana, who comes back to her hometown to visit her mom for the holidays only to encounter Nick, a new police detective, with...
Peyton Pepper, a goal-driven podcast producer, is forced to mold Alex McKinney, a brash loose cannon, into her next star and create the perfect show...
Anita Jackson is thrilled when she and husband Jack move to an exclusive neighborhood with their adopted daughter Jilly. When she is invited to join...
It's been a year since Debbie's smash hit "Wonderland." Now living in a small town, she's found true love and left the music industry behind to teach...
Career driven Abby agrees to help her busy boss find the man of her dreams, but she encounters a dilemma when she starts falling for the same man her...
Penelope Campbell loves her annual summer vacations visiting her Grandma Dot, despite Dot's constant attempts to set her up with every single man in...
Allison Sawyer is the go-to reporter at Metropolis Post, known for breaking high-profile stories. Her next story is writing a profile piece on one of...
On opposite sides of a development project, Olivia and Brian are surprised to find they are the Maid of Honor and Best Man at the same wedding. They...