A university orders that old, decrepit Konoe Dormitory be rebuilt, to the opposition of the students who still occupy and maintain it. Movie version...
Katsura Aya (Shiratori Yasuyo), a young and popular actress, is kidnapped. Igarashi (Honda Hirotaro), the president of the production company, calls...
Inspector Totsugawa of the First Investigation Division goes to Tsuruoka in Yamagata to attend the wedding of the son of Inspector Mukai, his former...
Eiso Tsubaki, a former aristocrat, was suspected in a murder case in Ginza and committed suicide. Detective Kindaichi Kosuke, who is commissioned by...
The 95th NHK Asadora is about Sumire, a girl born in the uptown of Kobe in the early Showa period. In the wake of wartime devastation, she works hard...
Miyata Ayaka (Renbutsu Misako), an office worker, sees her world collapse around her when her mother Miyata Harumi (Kikuchi Momoko) collapses due to...