When a gloomy, God-fearing island community is rocked by the assault of an infant, a psychiatrist is called in to examine Dorothy Mills, the teenager...
Tensions rise in a Glasgow kitchen as the cooks deal with the pressures of the job. When an ex-criminal gets a job at the best kitchen in Glasgow, he...
Lesley Manville gives a career best performance in Richard Eyre's award-winning revival of Ibsen's poignant tragedy. Helene Alving (Lesley Manville)...
London cop and compulsive gambler Harry Clayton is on the verge of losing everything. On the night when his huge debts are to be called in, he meets...
Local police officer Sergeant PJ Collins is a gentle man who hides from people and fills his days with comfort food and half-hearted police work. He...
Max Liebermann, a student of Sigmund Freud, helps Detective Rheinhardt in the investigation of a series of disturbing murders around the grand cafes...