In middle school, Futaba Yoshioka was madly in love with Tanaka Kou but he moves away with his mother. She is reunited with him later in life but he...
Kei (Izumi Fujimoto) is a 19-year-old college art major. She moves to Kobe from Tokyo due to her father's work transfer. There, she learns about the...
Kagerota is a young ninja who embarks on his first mission: stealing the goldfish from a wealthy samurai. He succeeds, but then a mysterious fat cat...
Chaejin works as a tour guide in Shin-Okubo while nurturing showbiz dreams. Meanwhile, talent agent Utako tries to think of ways to promote idols Gun...
Heita Tomishima is a very conscientious but awkward young man at a mid-sized construction company. He loves working on-site, but one day is suddenly...
Kazuhisa Fukase graduated from a prestigious university, but he leads a boring life. His only strength is making delicious coffee. Whenever he makes...
Nagi Oshima quits her job, cuts off everybody she knows (including her boyfriend), quits social media and cancels her cellphone. To restart her life,...
Takashi Hiyama works as a cafe manager. He has lived alone with his 4-year-old daughter since the death of his wife Shoko. Shoko was killed by three...