To win back his ex-girlfriend, a conservative banker enlists the help of an exotic dancer to guide him on a quest for sexual experience, leading him...
Following a traumatic experience, Gaile, a speech therapist, is incapable of feeling any emotion. However, while preparing a video presentation for a...
Former KGB agent finds out that his mother in law has hidden her treasures in one of chairs. Fast after he starts the search of diamonds and meets an...
This film is about human alienation in a consumerist society. Nowadays man surrounded by modern industry tools founds himself solitary. He seeks his...
An abundance of stories, an energetic storytelling style and an ironic approach to situations - this is the new LNK series "Rimti Reikalai". Released...
Accompanied by father's violence, Donatas, a simple and calm guy, takes his unique programming skills to make ends meet - social media profiles for a...