Joon is arrested for the murder of the top student at his prestigious school. When he is released, Joon holds students accusing him of the crime in a...
A cold-case enthusiast blogger and a washed-up veteran detective team up for a joint investigation to rescue their innocent friend who is framed for...
On one hot summer day in a cafe by a university, three high school girls get together. They talk about coffee, smoking and love, but none of them are...
During the 1990s, hardworking Mi-soo and optimistic Hyun-woo meet at a bakery and fall in love while exchanging stories on a radio station, but while...
This drama is about a husband, Kim Do Hyung who desperately searches for his wife, Yoon Joo Young who suddenly disappears. Meanwhile, Cha Yoon Mi is...
Nam Geum Pil is a man in his 40's and he lives with his father and daughter. Out of the blue, he decides to quit his job. He receives criticism from...
Movie meets humanities! This talk show/variety show for movie enthusiasts features interesting discussions by a writer and two movie directors where...