The film revolves around Hildur, a national celebrity and socialite who has to look for a job when her boyfriend Jolli is sent to prison. She finds a...
A young girl breaks up from her petit bourgeoisie home and her piano lessons to lead an entirely new life, as one of the personnel at an institution...
Einar, a charismatic history teacher is committed to a remote mental asylum in Iceland. During the bank holiday weekend he initiates an uprising that...
A verbally abusive chef that would make Gordon Ramsey blush, initiates a young but skilled apprentice cook into the world of kitchen nightmares where...
The film deals with four men who rob a bank to pay tens of millions of debts one of them to Iceland's most dangerous man, Gulla's car dealership. To...
Anna Hallgrimsdottir, a poetess, dish washer and marijuana dealer in her late thirties, lives in Reykjavik with her two sons, Krummi and Ulfur. Anna...
Aron is trying his best to cope with life. In search of serenity, he imitates male stereotypes and dives into all the cliches of the material world....