In a small Mediterranean village, Carmen has looked after her brother, the local priest, for her entire life. When the Church abandons Carmen, she is...
In the quaint little village of Qala, Gozo, Emily Edevane was abandoned with her three little children by her husband. Four decades later, a Maltese...
I Yam What I Yam...L'invenzione' is centered around the collision of two films originally shot on the same location; Emidio Greco's 'L'invenzione di...
Inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet, set in the old city of Valletta, Malta; this is a short film that explores dark, liquefied decrepitude. A sailor's...
From the producers of popular TV Series Deceduti and L-Evangelisti comes Min Imissu; a unique comedy show where a variety of elements and characters...
The employment office is trying to help adults to get into the employment world by attending Evening Classes and try to improve their knowledge, but...
X Factor Malta is the Maltese version of the British television music competition The X Factor, created by Simon Cowell, due to begin in October 2018...